Axiom Methods LLC
What we do
"Partner with large electricity consumers to substantially reduce usage and cost"
SitWhe TitleWhy Axiom MEthods?
Energy Studies
An Energy Study is performed at either Site/Facility, Utility or Corporate Level.
Understand historic power usage and relationship with facility activity.
Evaluate options for usage and cost reduction for attractiveness under various criteria including current business plans.
Support from customer is minimized
We access site level data electronically from the utility.
Most of the work is done remotely. We typically have weekly 30 minute telephone conferences and periodic site visits.
Report to act as a road map and reference document.
Electronic dashboard for ongoing monitoring, and specific tools to assist in implemention
Report and Dashboard in two to four months
Dashboard is updated monthly through the duration of the assignment.
What to expect
Measurable and substantial reduction in costs
Other Studies
Process audits
Some of our customers have very specialized and energy intensive processes. We perform process audits to understand where the energy is used, and construct models so that changes can be analyzed and evaluated. These are a very detailed study that focuses on Controls and Efficiency.
Feasibility Studies
We have conducted these for customers who are looking at local generation, both fossil and renewable and fuel switch projects. A business case is the conclusion.